
Showing all 6 results

E. arenarius

From R720.00

E. arenarius

From R720.00

This cycad is restricted to coastal dune forest and bush vegetation in the Alexandria district, north-east of Port Elizabeth. The leaves range from dark green in colour to a bluish shade, 1-1.5m long with stems up to 2m tall recorded. This cycad will do well in full sun or semi-shade.

E. lebomboensis

From R1,800.00

E. lebomboensis

From R1,800.00

“Lebombo Cycad E.lebomboensis is said to be one of the most popular cycads in cultivation, although there is some confusion about its identity.

E. ngoyanus

From R1,200.00

E. ngoyanus

From R1,200.00

This cycad grow in the Ngoye Forest in KwaZulu -Natal. Colonies also grow near Mkuze, Ubombo and north of the Jozini Dam. Colonies along the Mpumalanga-Swaziland border have also been recorded. The leaves are glossy green, soft in texture and 0.6-1.1m long, with usually single stems up to 30cm long.

E. princeps

From R1,120.00

E. princeps

From R1,120.00

This cycad grows among dolerite cliffs and rocky outcrops along the valleys of the Great Kei River in the Eastern Cape. It also occurs In certain localities along the Kabousie River in the Komga district. The habitat consist of thick, low bush and grass with hot summers and cool winters, but icy-cold on the higher grounds of the Stutterheim district. The foliage is blue-green, mostly exposed to full sun. The leaves become greyish-blue with age and reach up to 1.3m in length. Stems are erect or reclining up to 5m long.

E. trispinosus

From R720.00

E. trispinosus

From R720.00

This cycad grows in the valleys of the Bushmans and Great Fish Rivers in the Grahamstown, Bathurst and Alexandria districts of the Eastern Cape. Specimens growing in full sun produce attractive bluish-grey leaves. Various leaf forms occurs depending on locality and also leaf colour varies from population to population, ranging from bluish-grey to bluish-green. Leaves also vary in length 0.75-1.25m. Stems may reach 1-1.5m in length.

E. umbeluziensis

From R720.00

E. umbeluziensis

From R720.00

This cycad is restricted to the catchment area of the Mbuluzi River, ranging from northern Swaziland to Maputo. This specie is restricted to drier forest environment usually found growing in the light shade of low scrub woodland.The leaves are dark green, 1-1.5m long and are erect. The stems are subterranean 34-40cm in length and rarely produce suckers.