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E. ferox
E. ferox
Found in the sandy soils of Northern KwaZulu-Natal to Inhambane in Mozambique. This cycad grow well in sunny and shady positions, the shade plants producing darker, more luxuriant foliage. The leaves are dark green, 1-2m in length, erect to spreading. The stem can grow up to 1.5m tall.
From R750.00Select options
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E. Kisambo
E. Kisambo
The ‘Voi cycad,’ Encephalartos kisambo, is a large, very attractive species and is sought after in the horticultural trade although it is not
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E. lehmannii
E. lehmannii
This cycad has been described as the hardiest, most drought resistant of the South African species. They are located in stoney soils on the eastern edge of the arid Karoo. The leaves are blue, 1- 1,5m long and the stems grow up to 2m tall.
From R1,800.00Select options
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E. paucidentatus
E. paucidentatus
This cycad grows in the last remaining remnants of indigenous, evergreen forests within the Mpumalanga region. The leaves are dark green, 1.5-2m in length, erect to spreading with the tips curving gently upwards and inwards. The stems are robust and erect and up to 6m tall.
From R720.00Select options
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E. senticosus
E. senticosus
“E. senticosus Jozini Cycad Encephalartos senticosus is a quick-growing, glossy dark green giant cycad, also known as the Lebombo, Jozini cycad (Eng.); lebombobroodboom
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E. umbeluziensis
E. umbeluziensis
This cycad is restricted to the catchment area of the Mbuluzi River, ranging from northern Swaziland to Maputo. This specie is restricted to drier forest environment usually found growing in the light shade of low scrub woodland.The leaves are dark green, 1-1.5m long and are erect. The stems are subterranean 34-40cm in length and rarely produce suckers.
From R1,120.00Select options
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Stangeria eriopus
Stangeria eriopus
“Stangeria eriopus is a very long-lived, perennial, evergreen cycad. The stalked, feathered, fern-like leaves are between 25 centimeters and two meters long, with the petiole comprising one