From R2,000.00Select options
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E. horridus
E. horridus
E. horridus is found most commonly on ridges and slopes located in rocky soils, semi-arid parts of the Eastern Cape, between Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage. The silvery-blue leaves are up to 1m long and often sharply recurved towards the tip, looking stiff and spiny. The stems grow up to 1m tall.
From R31,200.00Select options
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E. latifrons
E. latifrons
E. latifrons is very rare and found in one restricted habitat in the Bathurst and Albany district in the Eastern Cape. It grows in thick bush but often along dry river courses. A slow growing cycad with olive-green, prickly leaves, 1-1,5m long with stems up to 3m tall.
From R1,440.00Select options
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E. manikensis
E. manikensis
“Gorongo Cycad Encephalartos manikensis (Gorongo Cycad, Gorongowe Cycad) is a species of cycad that is native to Mozambique and Zimbabwe.This Central African
From R5,400.00Select options
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E. Woodii x Natalensis
E. Woodii x Natalensis
Originally from the Ngoye Forest of KwaZulu-Natal. It is now extinct in the wild. Fortunately this is the fastest growing species of Encephalartos and one of the most vigorous in cultivation. The leaves are 1.75-2.5m in length, recurving and spreading to form a typical umbrella canopy. Stems up to 5.5m have been recorded.