From R3,740.00Select options
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E. caffer
E. caffer
This cycad occurs in the coastal districts of the Eastern Cape. The stem is subterranean, reaching approximately 40cm. It can be grown in full sun to semi-shade with leaves olive green to dark green, 40-90cm long. Two distinct leaf forms, the “ruffled” leaf form and the more typical “neater” – looking erect leaf form.
From R2,880.00Select options
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E. hildebrandtii
From R2,000.00Select options
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E. horridus
E. horridus
E. horridus is found most commonly on ridges and slopes located in rocky soils, semi-arid parts of the Eastern Cape, between Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage. The silvery-blue leaves are up to 1m long and often sharply recurved towards the tip, looking stiff and spiny. The stems grow up to 1m tall.
From R1,800.00Select options
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E. lebomboensis
E. lebomboensis
“Lebombo Cycad E.lebomboensis is said to be one of the most popular cycads in cultivation, although there is some confusion about its identity.
From R800.00Select options
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E. lehmannii
E. lehmannii
This cycad has been described as the hardiest, most drought resistant of the South African species. They are located in stoney soils on the eastern edge of the arid Karoo. The leaves are blue, 1- 1,5m long and the stems grow up to 2m tall.
From R600.00Select options
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E. msinganus
E. msinganus
This cycad grow on the Msingatop in the Tugela Ferry district of KwaZulu-Natal. These plants grow in shade and full sun. The leaves are 1.1-1.5.m long, straight to somewhat recurving with stems up to 7m tall, erect to leaning.
From R720.00Select options
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E. trispinosus
E. trispinosus
This cycad grows in the valleys of the Bushmans and Great Fish Rivers in the Grahamstown, Bathurst and Alexandria districts of the Eastern Cape. Specimens growing in full sun produce attractive bluish-grey leaves. Various leaf forms occurs depending on locality and also leaf colour varies from population to population, ranging from bluish-grey to bluish-green. Leaves also vary in length 0.75-1.25m. Stems may reach 1-1.5m in length.