
Showing all 3 results

E. horridus

From R2,000.00

E. horridus

From R2,000.00

E. horridus is found most commonly on ridges and slopes located in rocky soils, semi-arid parts of the Eastern Cape, between Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage. The silvery-blue leaves are up to 1m long and often sharply recurved towards the tip, looking stiff and spiny. The stems grow up to 1m tall.

E. lebomboensis

From R1,800.00

E. lebomboensis

From R1,800.00

“Lebombo Cycad E.lebomboensis is said to be one of the most popular cycads in cultivation, although there is some confusion about its identity.

E. manikensis

From R1,440.00

E. manikensis

From R1,440.00

“Gorongo Cycad Encephalartos manikensis (Gorongo Cycad, Gorongowe Cycad) is a species of cycad that is native to Mozambique and Zimbabwe.This Central African