
Showing 13–21 of 21 results

E. msinganus

From R600.00

E. msinganus

From R600.00

This cycad grow on the Msingatop in the Tugela Ferry district of KwaZulu-Natal. These plants grow in shade and full sun. The leaves are 1.1-1.5.m long, straight to somewhat recurving with stems up to 7m tall, erect to leaning.

E. natalensis

From R720.00

E. natalensis

From R720.00

There are a considerable number of recorded leaf variations found within the E.natalensis complex. This cycad occurs from the Transkei, through KwaZulu Natal to as far north as the Vryheid district. The leaves are green,1.3-3.2m long and are usually straight although sometimes with a recurving umbrella-like foliage. The stems can grow up to 7m tall.

E. paucidentatus

From R1,800.00

E. paucidentatus

From R1,800.00

This cycad grows in the last remaining remnants of indigenous, evergreen forests within the Mpumalanga region. The leaves are dark green, 1.5-2m in length, erect to spreading with the tips curving gently upwards and inwards. The stems are robust and erect and up to 6m tall.

E. pterogonus

From R2,600.00

E. pterogonus

From R2,600.00

“Toothed-cone Cycad Encephalartos pterogonus was known from one small population located on the huge granite outcrop called Mount Mruwere (Monte Urueri) in the

E. senticosus

From R720.00

E. senticosus

From R720.00

“E. senticosus Jozini Cycad Encephalartos senticosus is a quick-growing, glossy dark green giant cycad, also known as the Lebombo, Jozini cycad (Eng.); lebombobroodboom

E. turneri

From R2,800.00

E. turneri

From R2,800.00

“Turner’s Cycad Encephalartos turneri is a species of cycad that is native to Mozambique and named after cycad enthusiast, Ian Turner in 1985.

E. villosus

From R400.00

E. villosus

From R400.00

This cycad occurs from the East London district, northwards through KwaZulu-Natal into Swaziland and almost to the north-eastern border between Swaziland and Mozambique. The leaves are mid-green 1.2-2.5m long with large subterranean trunks.

Stangeria eriopus

From R1,120.00

Stangeria eriopus

From R1,120.00

“Stangeria eriopus is a very long-lived, perennial, evergreen cycad. The stalked, feathered, fern-like leaves are between 25 centimeters and two meters long, with the petiole comprising one

Zamia Integrifolia

From R500.00

Zamia Integrifolia

From R500.00

“Zamia integrifolia produces reddish seed cones with a distinct acuminate tip. The leaves are 20–100 cm long, with 5-30 pairs of leaflets (pinnae). Each leaflet is linear to