Cycas taitungensis

From R500.00

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Trunk: Arborescent sometimes branched, 3-5(-6) m tall, 25-30(-45) cm in diameter, apex very tomentose; bark black, scaly.
Leaves: to 50 or more, 1-pinnate, deep green, semiglossy, (100-)130-180(-200) cm long, 20-30(-40) cm wide. Petiole (10-)15-25 (-30) cm (15-20% of total leaf), subtetragonal in cross section, glabrous with 7-14 spines along each side (spinescent for 50-90% of length). Leaf blade oblong, strongly “V”-shaped in cross section, recurved, densely orange-brown tomentose when young shedding as leaf expands; leaflets in 130-200 pairs, horizontally inserted at 55-65° above rachis, straight to subfalcate, not glaucous when mature, 14-20 cm × 5-8 mm, leathery, sparsely pubescent abaxially, base decurrent, margin flat or slightly recurved, midrib flat above, raised below, rachis usually terminated by a spine. Basal leaflets gradually reducing to spines, 30 mm long.
Cataphylls: The cataphylls (Modified leaf, much reduced and thickened, serving to protect the apical meristem in cycads produced in flushes preceding the emergence of cones or leaves.) are triangular, 4-7 × 1.7-2.5 cm, densely pale brown tomentose, apex pungent.
Pollen cones: ovoid-cylindric to fusiform, (35-)45-55 long, 8-10(-13) cm in diametres; microsporophylls narrowly obtriangular, 3.5-4.5 × 1.1-1.5 cm, apex cuspidate.
Megasporophylls: Like other Cycas species, the female plants do not bear cones; instead they carry ovules and seeds on large, bright orange-red, spadelike megasporophylls, which are 15-28 cm, pale brown tomentose, glabrescent; stalk 8-17 cm; sterile blade suborbicular or rhombic-orbicular, 7-14 × 6-11 cm, pectinate, with 29-39 lobes 2-4.5 cm; ovules 2(or 3) on each side of stalk, densely pale brown tomentose.
Seeds: 2-6, orange-red, narrowly obovoid or subellipsoid, 4-5 × 2.5-3.3 cm, often with remnant hairs; sarcotesta red, slightly pruinose, 1.5-3 mm thick; fibrous layer absent; sclerotesta with 2 or 3 irregular grooves on each side.

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